Commodity Risk Bank margins on commodity derivatives are high

Based on the specific situation in your company and the (expected) developments and trends in the relevant commodity or fuel markets, we will jointly select the right strategy. We will subsequently select the appropriate instruments and assist you in concluding the transactions.

Better prices with your bank, supplier or other counterparty?

ICC is not a bank or commodity supplier and will never be your counterparty. You personally decide whether you conduct transactions or not, with your own bank, supplier or alternative counterparty.

We will support you during the conclusion of your transactions. With the help of our real-time pricing support, we will make the margins on your transactions transparent. This will enable you to negotiate with your bank, supplier or alternative counterparty in a well-founded manner and achieve considerably better rates.

Thus, you will have an experienced external commodity hedging expert on board, who will generate more than they cost.

Would you like to know more? Then contact us on +3130-8201221 or via email at [email protected]. We will respond the same day or on the following working day.

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